Avoid Making These Six Mistakes Around a Narcissist
Narcissistic individuals are everywhere, whether in schools, workplaces, churches, or even among our family members and friends. Some of us might even be in close relationships with narcissists. If you’ve already identified someone as a narcissist or suspect it, this article is for you.
Today, I’ll cover six key mistakes to avoid when dealing with a narcissist, especially one who has shown their true colors as a manipulative, self-centered individual. How you behave around them sends strong signals about how they should treat you, and the goal is to make them steer clear of you. Sure, they may gossip or slander, but they’ll think twice before trying their tricks on you again.
Remember, when dealing with a narcissist, you’re dealing with a coward. They’re more afraid of you than you might realize. If you want to know more about their paranoia and insecurities, check out the article I wrote on this very topic.
Let’s dive into the six mistakes to avoid around narcissists.
1. Crying
Never cry in front of a narcissist. Narcissists lack empathy, so trying to gain sympathy from them is a losing game—they have none to offer. Narcissists thrive on negativity and other people’s pain. When you cry, you’re fueling their ego. Your tears won’t evoke concern; they’ll only make the narcissist feel more powerful, seeing you in a weakened state.
They feed on your emotions, using them to feel superior. So, showing vulnerability or sadness is precisely what they want. Keep your emotions in check when dealing with a narcissist.
2. Supporting Their Lies
Another mistake is backing up a narcissist’s lies. Narcissists lie frequently, and it’s usually easy to catch them in one. Don’t remain silent or passively support what they say. If you have doubts about an event or know they’re lying, challenge them.
Narcissists hate being opposed, but it’s important to speak up and not play along with their fabrications. The more you let their lies slide, the bigger they’ll get, and you’ll be seen as complicit. Speak your truth, even if they try to brush it off as a joke.
3. Making Excuses for Them
One of the worst things you can do is make excuses for a narcissist’s bad behavior. Narcissists already avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Don’t compound the problem by shielding them from accountability. They need to face the consequences of their actions.
Narcissists are calculated in everything they do. If you find yourself making excuses for them, you’re likely in denial about the depth of their manipulation and abuse. Instead of rationalizing their behavior, hold them accountable and stop shielding them from the impact of their wrongdoing.
4. Confiding in Them
Never share sensitive or personal information with a narcissist. They are not trustworthy individuals, nor do they have your best interests at heart. Any dream, plan, or secret you confide in them could be weaponized against you later.
Keep your goals, vulnerabilities, and desires away from their ears. The less they know about your personal life, the better.
5. Reacting Aggressively
Narcissists love provoking reactions. Responding aggressively to their manipulation plays right into their hands, giving them an opportunity to play the victim and paint you as the aggressor. They thrive on emotional reactions, which provide them with more ammunition to use against you.
Instead of reacting emotionally, stay calm and detached. Narcissists can’t manipulate or provoke someone who doesn’t engage. The more composed and disinterested you remain, the less effective their tactics will be.
6. Ignoring Red Flags
One of the biggest mistakes people make with narcissists is ignoring the red flags. Narcissists often reveal their true nature early on, but we tend to overlook it or make excuses. Trust your gut and take note of the warning signs. Narcissists cannot handle people who are emotionally disconnected from them, so maintaining emotional distance will make them more likely to withdraw.
Learning how to handle narcissists is essential since they’re all around us. Fortunately, you don’t need to fear them. Trust your instincts, stay emotionally detached, and don’t let them manipulate your reactions. Narcissists tend to avoid people who are disinterested and emotionally detached because they can’t control or manipulate them.
Have I missed anything? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below. Thanks for reading, and remember to share this article if you found it helpful!
By: Khalif Barkhadle
Digital Journalist