Member-only story
Jan 16, 2023
Monday 16th January 2023
Garissa County Government today expressed their full commitment to fast track planning of informal settlement in Garissa urban centers.
The CECM for Lands, Housing and Urban development, Hon Mohamed Hussein Mohamed said plans to address the upcoming informal settlement was in full gear inline with the manifesto of H E Governor Nathif Jama.
Addressing officials from the state department of housing and urban development, the CECM said the Kenya Informal Settlement Improvement Project in conjunction with County Government already surveyed and planned five settlements in Garissa municipality and more than 8000 beneficiaries were waiting for the issuance of tittle deeds.
He noted that that the department in partnership with the state department will strengthen planning and designing more settlements in Garissa municipality and beyond.
The CEC informed a regional consultative workshop held today to present situational analysis and preliminary findings towards the review and development of a national slum upgrading and prevention strategy that climate change continues to pose in the urban settlement.
"Due to the unending cycle of drought many who lost their livelihood were moving to urban centers and as a result there is mushrooming of unplanned settlements in Garissa county '' said the CECM
He appreciated the partnership with the state department assuring them a milestone achievement under the administration of HE Nathif Jama that will benefit the residents of Garissa County.
Executives from Wajir, Mandera, Kitui and Tana River Counties also attended the forum.
The workshop was officially closed by the Deputy County Commissioner for Bura East Sub-County Mr. Thomas K. Bett.