Good evening my friend Marcus
Thank you for your support and thoughtfulness.
In regards your question on how do you go no contact when you have kids with ex husband.
I would advise you work out a co-parenting plan. Jointly work out a plan that covers visitation schedule,daily routine , education,finances, medical needs etc
Create an arrangement that works for both of you . Work out a co-parenting arrangement that works for you and your former partner.
Cooperative co-parenting can be beneficial for children as it provides a stable, consistent, and supportive environment. Research shows that cooperative co-parenting is linked to higher self-esteem, improved academic performance, and better mental health overall in children.
Parallel Co-Parenting
Parallel co-parenting means both sets of parents operate independently, with little communication, engagement, cooperation, or conflict with each other.
Their household routines and parenting rules are often different from each other, which can lead to a lack of consistency in the child's life. Any similarities in rules or routines are often not planned or intentional.
It’s important to note that co-parenting arrangements can be fluid and may change over time as the co-parents’ dynamics and circumstances evolve.
What are your thoughts