Thank you Lucyswitala for your incredible support. I'm glad my article was helpful and you liked it. They just want to provoke you...
Do not defend yourself or try to justify something you have done or something they have accused you of doing.
That is a no-win situation. If they accuse you of something that you are not guilty of doing, simply state that one time and disengage. They are hoping to bait you into going down an never-ending rabbit hole of trying to defend yourself against something that they already know you are not guilty of. Remember, everything is a game to a narcissist, and they enjoy the supply they get from your anger, your frustration, and your pain. So, do not take the bait. This is a game for the narcissist, and the only way you win is by not playing.
I'm going to write two articles for exclusively your case and how to overcome those issues...see my page tomorrow morning God willing. The question you asked me or the case you are facing will be incorporated and well handled in my tomorrow morning's articles that I shall draft tonight and publish tomorrow at 10am .
I'm sure you appreciate my contents .Rake care my dear sister. I'm at your service for any advice you you need to get on narcissists matters ...I'm there to guide you . Keep following my link and impactiful and insightful articles as I keep publishing and posting them on my page.
Since then take care ...remember no contact should ve your first strategy....
Be blessed my friend Lucyswirala.