Thanks Anna for taking your time to read my article. I'm glad you liked it. I appreciate 🙏 your support.
Offer Nothing: The second part is to offer nothing at all. Narcissists are predatory parasites. You are their host, and they need fuel from you. They need to punish you in one way or another. To starve them, you have to offer them nothing at all. Remember, no attention, no adulation, no admiration, no validation whatsoever. Talk about what is important and diffuse any situation by stepping out. Don’t indulge. The narcissist should not be able to tell from your body language what’s going on in your mind. Be unpredictable. If necessary, consciously offer something to get the desired behaviour from them, but always calculate your risks.
Navigate Elsewhere: The third and most important part is to navigate somewhere else. The narcissist isolates you to exert maximum control. Once you successfully apply the first two parts, find a group that gives you a sense of belonging. Human beings have a genuine need for good people in their lives. You cannot flourish in isolation. Join online communities of survivors or launch a membership to feel part of a bigger community. Navigating elsewhere also means changing your routine to be opposite to the narcissist’s routine. If co-parenting, raise your children differently, change your living arrangements, and divert your focus away from the narcissist. Make sure you do not make them a major part of your life. Reduce them in your head and other ways. Focus on yourself and only give them a small bit here and there sporadically or set a time slot.